I have added a studio file in the zip file for you.
Did you know that you can open both GSD and DXF in Silhouette studio?
the design is not layered, you can use the GSD as it is. If it’s a
layered design, it’s better to use the DXF, as the parts are separated
in this format.
I love to see what others have made using my files. 🙂
If you want, you can send pictures of your creations to me. My email address is monbjo.gh@telia.com
hello all your design are wonderfull but my cutting machine needs studio files. can you help me
I have added a studio file in the zip file for you.
Did you know that you can open both GSD and DXF in Silhouette studio?
the design is not layered, you can use the GSD as it is. If it’s a
layered design, it’s better to use the DXF, as the parts are separated
in this format.
i didn’t.
but i will try it. i don’t speak english very well what does layered means?
i’m glad to discover i can use dxf ou gsd. et thank you very much for adding the file sutdio in the zip.
Layered means that there are two designs or more on top of each other. Like in this file, the white design is placed on the grey one.
good afternoon. thank you for this explications.
as soon as i have more time i ‘ll try to use dxf.
actually i work too much and i havn’t time to make anything else.
how can i show you what i’ve made
I love to see what others have made using my files. 🙂
If you want, you can send pictures of your creations to me. My email address is monbjo.gh@telia.com
Mange tak. Jeg vidste ikke jeg kan bruge GSD i min Silhuette. Det må jeg forsøge. 🙂
this is really great so
Thank you for your lovely files