This is the parts I have used lately to make some more complex designs. I hope someone may be interested in using them as they are. 🙂
The file can be found here.
This is the parts I have used lately to make some more complex designs. I hope someone may be interested in using them as they are. 🙂
The file can be found here.
This time of year the days are getting shorter and shorter and it darkens quite early in the evenings. The lack of daylight make you feel more tired and you don’t have the same inspiration as before. The winter is almost here! The pond has frozen and we have got a tiny amount of snow on the ground. The temperature is constantly below zero so the snow will not melt, at least not for days.
We have prepared everything in the garden for the winter and nothing more is to be done outside. Now I can focus on work that can be done indoors!
During the past months I have been busy making lots of concrete flowers. I’m still working on them but not as much as before. It will be fun to paint some of them.
It feels as it was a long time since I drew something new. Earlier I made some designs with flowers and leaves on and I wanted to use them to make something new. So here we go, the first one is a lattice design.
You can find the new file here.
After a very rainy start of summer we had some good weeks in July. I have been busy working in the garden but I finally found some time to do some concreting. During spring I made some flowers and put them on iron bars. When casting, I used a large straw cut in shorter pieces and plugged in the end, to make the hole for the bar. The flowers where quite fun to paint. I have still a big bunch of roses to paint, maybe during winter I will find some time to do that. 🙂
I have since long ago always wanted something that helps vibrating molds when casting. Last year I saw a very neat idea on you tube where they built a vibration table using a car tire and an electric motor. This I had to try! I already had an old motor and an old tire was easy to get. I screwed a plywood on top of the tire and then the motor underneath. On the motor shaft, I attached a small weight to get the vibrations. I had to adjust the weight on the shaft a couple of times to get it to vibrate as I wanted. It works like a treat. I just have to get it higher up because my back hurts when having it on the ground.
Using spray paint is fun. I bought some bottles with metallic paint and thought I would try this on a cast rhubarb leaf. All of a sudden I had painted several leaves! They are so beautiful! I have to paint more…
During winter and spring I have bought cheap old glass globes on flea markets. Whenever I find a cheap globe I will buy it. Also big glass vases and other glass items are useful if the shape is right. I fill them with concrete and after some days I put them in a bucket of water and crush the glass using a stone. Sometimes the glass will not come off directly, but if leaving it in water for a day will make it easier.
Last fall my daughter’s boyfriend bought a mask for a masquerade. I quickly snatched the package that the mask came in, because I saw a potential mold for casting. It was a flimsy plastic package shaped as the mask. Now I finally got to use it. I used sand to support the mold. I also did cast a pair of hands using dishwashing gloves.
Now, visitors in my garden will get a small shock when they are looking down in the pond!
At last all the snow has melted. The early spring flowers are blooming. I’m busy cleaning the flower beds from leaves and dead plant material.
Just a week ago I could walk on the ice on the pond. Today I have cleaned it up and just started the pumps. I love the sound from the streaming water and from the fountain.
All my seedlings are growing fast now when I have moved them out to the greenhouse. It seems that I managed to reduce the amount of plants this year. I only have about 600 of them now. Earlier years I used to have more than 1000. 🙂
The tomatoes have started to bloom. Here they are transplanted in the biggest pots I have. Next, the final transplant will be in big buckets.
The cucumbers are still indoors, they don’t like the low temperatures at night in the greenhouse. I have a heater on but I can’t heat it up as much as the cucumbers needs. They have to wait one or two weeks more before the temperature is high enough.
Sorry, I have no fresh pictures of the other plants but this is how it looked 24 April when I just had carried them out and transplanted them. Now they are much bigger. Soon we will have daylight around the clock, this makes the plants grow very fast.
I got a request for a tea light box with a heart theme. Of course, I had to do this! 🙂
The box fits well with the hearts and the card I made earlier.
You can find the new file here.