Fence & gate 2

Available in formats: knk, svg, gsd, ai, dxf, wpc, scut


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7 responses to “Fence & gate 2”

  1. I have been downloading many of your wonderful SVG files but this one along with several other ones come up and untitled when I go to save them as an svg file. Not sure what is wrong but I appreciate all of the ones I downloaded successfully! Great Work!

  2. I have updated the zip file with a new SVG file, because the old one was corrupted. I have also added STUDIO and MTC.

  3. when you open the zip file, do you then put everything onto the usb stick, i’m new to scanNcut so not really sure what to do.

    • Just grab the file format you can use in your cutter and store it on your computer or put it on the usb stick if you want. I’m sorry that I can’t advise you on how to use the file, as I don’t have the ScanNcut. I’m sure you will find tutorials on how to do if you search on the net.

      • Thanks Monica, will take a look, many thanks for your kindness in sharing your beautifull work too.

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