Bags and folders

Lately I have been busy making some new bags and boxes. Some of them will be useful for Christmas, I hope.
Still, I have some work left on the boxes before I can post them, but here are the new bags anyway.


You can find the new files here.


4 responses to “Bags and folders”

  1. Endnu engang har du formået at lave nogle super flotte ting her Monica. Alle er bare rigtig fine og velegnede til de små gaver, vi alle sender ind imellem.

  2. Monica..Thank you so much your designs are BEAUTIFUL..YOU ARE A VERY TALENTED LADY!! I WILL BE DONATING AFTER HOLIDAYS ARE OVER!! I DONT KNOW IF YOU CELEBRATE Christmas IN Sweden but Please Have a Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

    • Hi Jamie, thank you for your kind words. Of course we celebrate Christmas! Christmas Eve (today) is the “big” day when we eat a huge Christmas dinner with lots of different foods and in the evening we get to open our Christmas presents. Merry Christmas to you too!

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