I’m sorry that I haven’t updated my blog in a loong time. There has been so much to do in the garden during summer and there is still a lot to do before winter. I also work almost full time and have a very stressful job that drains my energy quite a lot. I hope that soon I will have time and energy to make some more designs.
The weather this summer has mostly been cold and rainy, so all my planned work in the garden has been affected by this. One of the plans was to build a bigger place for the strawberries. It took the whole summer to finish this. I started in the end of June and it took two month to finish it, or almost finish it. I will continue next summer putting small concrete tiles around the big blocks to make it easier when moving the lawn.

Today I tried to clean up and organize my paper and cardstock storage. What a tremendous amount of cardstock I have! I will never have time to use it all up! Furthermore, I can’t just skip buying more, when I see a great offer! 🙂
Fresh strawberries, picked and eaten still warm from the summer sun, yummy
This garden is wonderfull! (Y)
I love checking your blog to see what is happening, I love your cut files and I can’t deny that but I just love seeing your part of the world! Thank you for sharing your pictures and also a little info on the weather and I would never thought about it being daylight almost 24 hours a day there – and I don’t think I would like the dark. Thank you for all you share with us and good luck with your gardens.
Thanks for the updates on your garden, we don’t hear enough from you!!! I don’t craft as much as I should in the summer as prefer being outside whenever possible and can’t craft in the garden, not sure why……………now it’s getting cooler here I will be making a start on Christmas cards soon….it’ll all be a rush as usual for me 😉
Hopefully you will have more time in the darker, colder months to create for us all again…..like everyone here I love your designs and can’t wait to see more of your work. I also know the feeling with the cardstock, I have loads….see colours or designs I love and just collect them, never to be used xx
Monica, I have been so inspired by your designs and can finally cut them on my new Silhouette. Thank you for converting older files to Studio . I am still a bit wonky on cleaning the edges of jpg/png silhouettes. My Illustrator skills are rusty so I use Photoshop almost exclusively. My paternal ancestors were all Swedish and I feel a kind of kinship with you. Nothing sentimental. Just proud of everything the Swedes have accomplished throughout history. Your garden is lovely, though a ton of work. I share your affinity to paper … paper departments and stores are my candy shops. Well… I am off to try my skills at vinyl stencils to decorate the risers on our basement stairs. It will either turn out splendid or a bit bizarre. Thank you so much for your inspirational designs.
MEG [nee Isaacson].