
There are about 140 acrylic paintings. These are painted on white canvas board. My Mother often used a plain credit card as a brush. Here she played a lot with colours and shapes, so many of the paintings are very abstract. In some of them you have to be very observant to notice everything that she hid in them.

18x24cm (7×9,5″)

21x330cm (8×12″)

22x27cm (9×10.5″)

~30x40cm (~12×16″)

38X46cm (15X18″)

40X50cm (16×20″)

40x60cm (16×24″)

46x55cm (18×22″)

50x50cm (20×20″)

50x60cm (20×23,5″)

50x70cm (20×27,5″)

70x70cm (27,5×27,5″)

70x90cm (27,5×35,5″)

80x80cm (31,5×31,5″)

18 responses to “Acrylics”

  1. OH wow, your mother was so talented. How awesome are her paintings – I did enjoy looking at her watercolours the best, so beautiful. Thank you so much for posting all the images, it must have been difficult doing it.

    • Thank you for your kind words. It has taken long time to prepare all the images and it has been quite emotional doing it. I want to honour my mother by making her paintings available for all to see.

  2. Ablsolutley beautiful…each and every one of them. Thank you so much for sharing a special part of your mother with us. My mother did shuttle tatting and made so many beautiful things. Her art was also a part of her soul.

  3. Dear Monica, you have honoured your mother and yourself in doing so. They are wonderful and such a differing selection. Your love shows through with this deed.

  4. I am sorry for your loss, we never is prepared. Your mother was so talent. Thank you for sharing them

  5. Your Mother was a very talented artist, thank you for allowing us to see these beautiful and personal paintings.

  6. Monica, thank you for sharing the treasure of your mother’s paintings. You are a generous person. I stumbled over your blog looking at making concrete stepping stones, but then I kept going because things touched my heart in many ways. First, my daughter, now 40 yr old, is named Monica. 🙂

    My mother passed away in November of 2014, and I still have days when I miss her terribly. I thought I was prepared (she was 90 and had health issues) but I guess you can’t really be prepared to lose someone who has always been there. Life is different without that touchstone.

    And I can easily see why your mother spent time at the summer cottage. Most of her scenes could have been taken from the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York, which is the area I love most. We bought a small retirement home and should be moving there in the next year. I can’t draw or paint worth a darn, but I can embroider, so that’s my plan for after we move – capture the Adirondacks in thread-painting the way your mother did in water color and acrylic.

    And … my great-grandfather moved to this area from Sweden. Perhaps he loved the Adirondacks because it reminded him of home.

  7. Monica, what a legacy. Your Mother’s art is incredible. She was so artistic and you have inherited her talent. Thank you for all you do xox

  8. Your mother’s paintings have moved me. Not only because of how beautiful they are but also because of how you are honoring your mother. I see where you get your talent from. Thank you for your generosity in sharing the pictures as well as your files.

  9. Hi Monica,
    I am truly sorry about the loss of your beloved Mother. She was truly a talented woman and thank you so much for sharing those magnificent paintings with us. I know it’s hard. My Mom is 99 and every day I look for the tummy to move. Each morning, I smile. I can’t, at this time, understand what you have gone through. However, I can place my heart next to yours.

  10. su madre fue una gran mujer , una gran artista , estoy sorprendida de esos bellisimos cuadros son hermosos preciosos divinos maravillosos sin palabras sorprendida de lo que vieron mis ojos

  11. Qué generoso de su parte compartir el legado de su amada madre. ¡Gracias por este homenaje!
    Saludos desde México.

    Aide N.

  12. Hola Mónica. Estoy admirando el lindo trabajo que compartes y los de tu mami. Soy de Ecuador y estoy encantada viendo lo que publicas. Tu mami por el trabajo que veo, fue una mujer muy creativa y muy amorosa. Gracias por compartir esos recuerdos que hacen se mantenga viva en cada uno de ellos.

  13. I so enjoy going to your site. You are so talented just like your Mother. I enjoyed looking at her paintings. Thank you so much for sharing with us. It was a labor of love.

  14. Monica, I stumbled on your site because of the laser cut files you featured and am amazed at the quality and intricacy of your designs. You are a true artist. Then, as I was looking at your other pages, I read the one where you honored your mother. I can see where you get your artistic creativity. She was a master artist in so many ways and the time you took to digitize her work was well worth the effort six years later. I can’t imagine how she came up with the idea and used a credit card as a brush to create some of her acrylics! Truly amazing work. Thank you so much for sharing her work, talent and vision. You and your dear mother have enriched my day.

    Larry M.
    Central Kentucky, USA

    • I’m glad you like my files. Thank you for your kind comment.
      I don’t make many new files these days. Interests change over time and I find other things I like to do. I hope I get back to designing files because it’s so much fun. It would be fun to make something new other than cards and frames etc. I just have to figure out what to do!

  15. Parabéns pelas publicações e também por teu trabalho… é sempre gratificante lembrarmos de quem amamos e pelo bem que fizeram para os outros… em cada pintura, arte, muitas histórias e vidas… continue difundindo o bem e partilhando as maravilhas… eu creio em Deus e Ele continuará te dando forças, disposição e criatividade… para seguir em frente. Abraço.

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