The last small treat holders for this time!

These treat holders will be the last files before Christmas. I hope you will enjoy using them as much as I have enjoyed designing them.

Treat_Holder_Set_5 Treat_Holder_Set_6

You can find the new files here.

Merry Christmas to you all!


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More treat holders

I hope you like the treat holders because here are some more of them 🙂

Treat_Holder_Set_3 Treat_Holder_Set_4

You can find the new files here.


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Small treat holders

These treat holders are perfect for small treats like Ferrero Rocher, but of course you can resize them to fit bigger treats.
I have made them in sets of four different designs in each file.

Treat_Holder_Set_1 Treat_Holder_Set_2

You can find the new files here.


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Twisted Christmas Cracker

This is another type of cracker that is a little bit harder to fold but it looks amazing.

You can find the new file here.


How to make it:

(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Cut out the design an fold as in picture.

Now it’s time to fold the diagonal lines, these lines must be folded sharply. To be able to fold the diagonal lines you must bend the other folds as in pictures. Be careful so you don’t tear the the edge at the red arrow in picture two.

Fold the centre line just slightly. It doesn’t have to be sharp.

Now put glue or double sided tape on the tabs and fold it together.

Now it’s time for the “twisting”. Hold the cracker with a finger on each side like in the picture and twist it counter-clockwise just slightly and it will twist in place.

Twist the other side and then flatten the centre folds out and it’s ready.


Ornament Stars

These stars are easy to put together, no glue needed. Cut two pieces out, fold them and then thread them together.

This star can also be used as a box for small gifts. Just put the gift in the middle before closing the star. You can hang them in a garland and put numbers on them and you have an advent calendar.

You can find the new files here.


Cut two pieces out.

Fold them like this.

Thread them together in the slits.
