I’m sorry for the lack of updates

It has been more than a year since my last update! I’m quite embarrassed over this. I hope you can forgive me! I really have no excuse other than that I have been lacking inspiration to write something.

I’m still doing a lot of stuff but I have not made any new cutting designs. Right now, I spend most of my time making diamond paintings. They are so fun to make but I think I soon have to stop because I have too many of them, I just don’t have enough walls to hang them on. This is the one I’m working on right now:

And here are some of my finished ones:

Last winter we got a record amount of snow, the total snowfall was more than three meters (10 ft). I can say that I was deadly tired of shovelling snow. Last summer was the warmest summer ever. To work in the garden was a pain, and all the concreting I wanted to do was not an option. However, I did read a lots of books, sitting in the shadow. We also had lots of wildfires. This winter we got more snow than last winter. I wonder how this summer will be…

The snow is thawing rapidly now. Today I shovelled a path to the greenhouse. My plan is to move out my seedlings during next weekend. The daylight is back and I feel that the energy to do things returns.



March, and still no sign of spring!

This winter we have had a record breaking amount of snow. I can’t remember that we have had a winter like this before. In November and December we got loads of snow and then a couple of thaws. After Christmas it has been cold weather and almost constant snowing. No thawing at all! At least we have had some nice days lately with sunshine and some dripping from the roof in mid days. There are so much snow on the roof now and it’s heavy!

As usual this time of year I have started to sow. My tomato plants are about 6 inches tall and a bunch of flower seedlings needs to be replanted. Of course, I didn’t remember to bring some smaller pots in from the greenhouse before winter. Oh my! I really need them!

It was hard work to dig through all the snow to get to the greenhouse! I measured the snow depth and it’s about one meter of snow on the ground!

It’s hard to believe that I am moving my plants in to the greenhouse in about five to six weeks from now.

This is a picture from today and a picture from last year, two weeks earlier than now.



In memory of my Mother

This is my beloved Mother. She passed away the 5th of August 2017. We knew that her end of life wasn’t that far away because of her illness, but we were not prepared that her death would come so suddenly. But who can be prepared for this anyway?

My Mother loved to paint and she was a real artist, but she very seldom wanted to show off her art. She kept all her paintings in huge stacks in her painting workshop. Even when she got sick she continued to paint and she kept painting until the end of her life.

She also lowed needle work and knitting and were very productive during her life. Now I have several big boxes full of the most beautiful tablecloths and table runners that she has made.

After her death I gathered all the paintings she had made and brought them home so I could take a photo of each and every one. It took so many hours of work to digitize them and to adjust the colours so they would look as near the original painting as possible.

I hope you will enjoy her paintings as much as we do.




Most of the time my Mum painted pictures from the nature around their summer cottage. She loved to stay there and they spent much time there even during winters. The deep woods and the marshlands inspired her.

There are more than 200 watercolour paintings. I have grouped them by size. The size is the paper size, not always the size of the painting.

~23x30cm (~9×12″)