Winter solstice and candies

December 22 have the shortest day and the longest night of the year, it’s the winter solstice.
Where I live, the sun just rise above the horizon and then turns down again. Today the sun rose at 9:55 and went down at 13:06. Three hours of daylight is what we get, and then the sun is right in your eyes if you are driving. Cloudy days, it never really gets bright.



I have been busy making more Christmas candies. I always make knäck for Christmas, it’s a Swedish toffee that is very easy to make. The recipe is:

2 dl sugar
2 dl heavy cream
2 dl golden syrup
2 tbs butter

Put all ingredients in a heavy based saucepan and stir it all together. Simmer it for a long time until the temperature is about 134 degrees C, this gives a hard knäck. If you want a softer knäck, 124-128 degrees C is recommended. I use a cooking thermometer for this. Then pour it up in waxed paper cups. Leave to cool.

You can also add chopped almonds or grated zest of one orange plus a few drops of orange aroma when you have reached the right temperature. The orange knäck is really delicious!



Concreting for Christmas



During the past moths I have been quite occupied making latex moulds and castings items for Christmas. I had a plan to make a landscape with spruce trees and a led string. For this I bought some plastic Christmas trees on eBay and made latex moulds on them. Then I could cast several trees. I use fibre-reinforced self-levelling compound when casting, not concrete when making small or detail objects. I have found that self-levelling compound works much better than concrete for this.


This is a mould in progress. I’m using liquid latex for this. It is ready after about 20-25 layers of latex.
I’m mixing the compound powder with a little water in a small bowl. Then I fill my moulds up and shaking them a lot to get rid of all air bubbles. Afterwards, I clean up the bowl with water. Remember to not pour the water out in the drain! I use a bucket to pour all the cleaning water into. When all the sediments have sunk to the bottom, I pour the clear water out. In the end I will have a big lump that fills up the bucket.
More moulds and some casted items.
Finished landscape!




Other casted items


Some of all the new things I have made.
Here I have painted the hearts in shimmering colours.
On these hearts I have made decoupage using napkins.
Pine cones, painting in progress!




Advent Candlesticks

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I have made some new designs of traditional Swedish electric candlesticks. The electric candlesticks, I use to put in almost every window during Christmas.

You can find the new files here.

The snow has almost melted away and turned to ice. It has been raining every now and then but I hope soon to get more snow. The daylight keeps disappearing, now the sun rise at 9.00 and goes down at 13.40.



Time for more tea light boxes


Now when winter is here, it’s time to light up our homes. Here are some more tea light boxes to use for this. You can never have too many tea lights!

You can find the new files here.


A little more snow have arrived, not much but it’s enough to make everything white and beautiful.





Today we got our first snow for the season! It’s still on the ground but I think it will melt pretty soon. The days are also getting quite short and right now the sun rise at 08.00 and goes down at 14.30. When Christmas comes it will be much darker than now, but then we will light up our homes with lots of electric candles.

This is some old traditional Swedish candlesticks I have. When I looked at them, I thought that they would be great to use for some new cutting designs.


I made some different designs and made two versions of each because I couldn’t choose which one to use. This is the first set of candlesticks. There will be more of them later.


You can find the files here.


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