Spring has not yet arrived!

It’s still winter here

Still, we have lots of snow left. Two weeks ago it was really beautiful outside when I woke up one morning. All the trees where white of frost and I had to go out just to take some photos.

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Now two weeks later some of the snow have melted and soon it will be possible to enter the greenhouse. I have spent a lot of time to take care of all my seedlings and I still have lots more to sow.

Here is how the greenhouse looks right now and also a picture of all my seedlings.

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I am truly addicted to casting

That was what my daughter said to me some days ago and she is right! I just can’t stop making moulds and I cast different items every day. It takes more than two weeks to finish a latex mould. When it’s finished I can use it many many times. Here is some of all the items I have casted lately. I have several big boxes full of finished items and there are things everywhere right now. I really don’t know yet what to do with them all. 🙂

Here is just a minor part of all things I have made.

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Earlier in January when it was really cold, I used some silicone lego moulds and made some ice lego figures. I placed them outside the kitchen window and glued them with water on the windowsill, it froze instantly as it was about -30 degrees C. It looked quite cool to have them peek into the window.



At last a new cutting file

As you can see, I have been quite busy lately and it’s hard to find time to make new designs. I also work almost full time at a company nearby and this makes it even harder to find time to do everything I want.

This time I have made a new gate fold card. I know I already have made lots of them but I couldn’t resist to make one more. This card is really suited for wedding invitations, I think.


You can find the new card here.





Italian inspired house

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This house is made with inspiration from Italy. I have cut it in 180 grams cardstock and glued it
together using permanent high tack tape runner.

You can find the new design here.

There is an assembly instruction also included in the zip file.



Cold weather and new designs

Today it has been really cold weather. In the morning it was -31°C. We had planned to go to town for shopping and I was a bit worried that the car wouldn’t start, but it was no problem at all!

Usually when it’s this cold, it does not blow. But in our city, Luleå, it’s always blowing. We use to call it “the city of the 4 winds”. The wind chill factor made it feel like -45°C and my cheeks started to ache straight away when going from the car park to the shops.

Now in the evening it’s still -29°C. We have to wait until tomorrow evening before it will get a little bit warmer.


I think this will be the last tea light boxes, at least for a while now. 🙂

You can find the new files here.



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Some late Christmas designs

Cristmas_candles_folded Cristmas_candles_circle

At last I have finished these designs. It’s the last two with candles on. I hope it’s not too late now when Christmas is over and the new year is here.

For the folded one, I have cut out six pieces and then glued them together. Then added a string and some pearls.

It’s a little bit tricky to fold the design due to the thin lines. I use two rulers when folding, this makes it much easier.


I don’t put glue on the whole design, just some small dots on the thicker parts. I love to use the E-Z Runner that gives small strips. I pick them up one by one and put them on the design.

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You can find the new files here.


I hope you all have had a wonderful New Year!



Winter solstice and candies

December 22 have the shortest day and the longest night of the year, it’s the winter solstice.
Where I live, the sun just rise above the horizon and then turns down again. Today the sun rose at 9:55 and went down at 13:06. Three hours of daylight is what we get, and then the sun is right in your eyes if you are driving. Cloudy days, it never really gets bright.



I have been busy making more Christmas candies. I always make knäck for Christmas, it’s a Swedish toffee that is very easy to make. The recipe is:

2 dl sugar
2 dl heavy cream
2 dl golden syrup
2 tbs butter

Put all ingredients in a heavy based saucepan and stir it all together. Simmer it for a long time until the temperature is about 134 degrees C, this gives a hard knäck. If you want a softer knäck, 124-128 degrees C is recommended. I use a cooking thermometer for this. Then pour it up in waxed paper cups. Leave to cool.

You can also add chopped almonds or grated zest of one orange plus a few drops of orange aroma when you have reached the right temperature. The orange knäck is really delicious!
