I’m happy to say that we have not had any snow yet. The autumn has been quite warm and with good weather. Actually, I was out sowing some seeds during the last week. This has never happened at this time of the year before, because the ground is usually stiff with frost. The seeds will germinate when spring arrives.
Now when the days are getting shorter we need to light up our homes. For this I have designed some tea light boxes. These will be nice to put on the table for Christmas, I think. Only use battery tea light for this!
I have put vellum inside so the light will look softer. There is a design for the vellum insert included in each file.
I hope you don’t have any problem cutting my intricate designs. When cutting on my Silhouette Cameo, I mostly use 180 grams cardstock. The settings I use is “Heavy cardstock” the knife on 2, thickness 30 and speed 10. I don’t know if the setting window have changed in the newer version, as I use an old version and will not update if I don’t have to.
This is how one of the boxes look like when cut and lifted off the mat. I don’t have to weed at all. All scrap is left on the mat. I just use a small aluminium ruler to scrape the small pieces off.
This is how I assemble the box:
1. Pre fold everything and put glue on the small tab. I use a strong double sided adhesive tape. No more glue is needed for this. Glue the sides together.2. Fold the bottom tabs as in picture.3. Close the bottom with the last tab.4. Cut out the vellum insert.5. Pre fold it and put glue on the small tab and some glue dots along the edges.6. Glue the insert together and slide it into the box all way down to the bottom. The insert will fit nicely.7. Now the box is ready!
There will be more of these boxes later on. Why just make a few when you can make a whole bunch of them! 🙂 I just have to cut them out and prepare all the different file formats before I can upload them.
I’m sorry that I haven’t updated my blog in a loong time. There has been so much to do in the garden during summer and there is still a lot to do before winter. I also work almost full time and have a very stressful job that drains my energy quite a lot. I hope that soon I will have time and energy to make some more designs.
The weather this summer has mostly been cold and rainy, so all my planned work in the garden has been affected by this. One of the plans was to build a bigger place for the strawberries. It took the whole summer to finish this. I started in the end of June and it took two month to finish it, or almost finish it. I will continue next summer putting small concrete tiles around the big blocks to make it easier when moving the lawn.
It was heartbreaking to dig up the plants when they were in full bloom.Here I am preparing for the big concrete blocks that will make the edge.Now the edge is on place. It was a hard job to lift them in the right position as they are quite heavy. Now I have to fill with it up with lots of new soil.I used almost all the compost I had in the backyard.Now it’s almost ready for planting. I will use a ground cloth on the soil and make holes for each plant. Then I will cower the cloth with bark.This is how it looks like today. Quite bigger than before and I hope it will give us a big harvest each summer from now on.
Today I tried to clean up and organize my paper and cardstock storage. What a tremendous amount of cardstock I have! I will never have time to use it all up! Furthermore, I can’t just skip buying more, when I see a great offer! 🙂
This time of year we have daylight around the clock. Sunset and sunrise are within the same hour so it’s only getting slightly less bright at night.
I love this time of year, it’s so uplifting after the dark winter. You can be outside working in the garden as long as you want (except for the mosquitoes that are terrible in the evenings and make you want to go inside).
I was up in the attic last night at half past twelve, it was half way between sunset and sunrise, and I took this picture. The sun will rise a little to the right of the picture.