I have to confess. I’m addicted to this new hobby. It is so restful to sit and put all the tiny resin diamonds on the canvas. Especially now that my mind always seems to go to the memory of my Mother.
It take a lot of time but it’s all worth it. The best of all is that contrary to what I thought, my shoulders doesn’t complain at all even though I sometimes work with this for hours.
These are the three paintings I finished before summer and just recently made frames for so I could hang them on the wall.

Now I’m working on another big painting, 60×80 cm. Right now I have it up side down because it’s easier to reach. I have also bought a light pad to put beneath the canvas to lighten up the pattern. What a big difference! So much easier to see now, especially when working in the darker areas on the painting. The next diamond painting will be one with a Christmas scene. I so much want to start with it right now because it’s so beautiful, but I have to finish this first.

Diamond painting is a quite new hobby. You place tiny resin diamonds on a adhesive canvas with a printed design on. Each colour has it’s own symbol printed so it’s easy to see where to put the diamonds. The diamonds are just 2,5 mm in square. The paintings can be bought from Aliexpress, eBay, Wish and many other places. I prefer to buy from Aliexpress because it’s easier to filter the search there to find the designs I want.
There are two types of paintings and two types of diamonds.
The painting can either be filled totally with diamonds or partial. For the partial ones the whole design is printed but the glue and the grid is only where the diamonds are to be put. I have never tried a partial one because I think the full ones looks better.
The diamonds can be either round or squared. The round ones doesn’t cover the design totally because they are just round. The squared fills the design totally and you can’t see anything from the canvas when finished. Some people likes the round ones more because they are easier to work with, but I like the squared ones better. The partial designs are mostly made using round diamonds. The full ones can be either round or squared.
Everything you need is included when you buy a kit. You get a printed canvas, all the diamonds needed, a picking pen, a tweezers, a tray and some wax to fill the tip on the picking pen. Often you also get a list on the colours and how many bags of each colour there should be in the kit. It’s important to check so no bag is missing when you have got your kit. Sometimes bags are missing, but if you contact the seller they usually send the missing bags. This has happened to me several times but I have always got the missing bags in the end. The only thing is that you have to wait several weeks extra for them to arrive.